Name | Sponsor | Completion date ( |
National Laboratory for Infocommunications and Information Technology/2 | IdomSoft Informatikai Zrt. | 2022.08.06 |
National Laboratory for Infocommunications and Information Technology | IdomSoft Informatikai Zrt. | 2021.03.11 |
Preparation of a feasibility study for a nursing care system (Nurse Support System) | Stratis Kft.. | 2021.05.31 |
Quality assurance tasks for preparatory activities related to the development of the Government Data Centre | BMSK Beruházási, Műszaki Fejlesztési, Sportüzemeltetési és Közbeszerzési Zrt | |
“GINOP 2.2.1-18-2020-00026, Market-oriented fishing innovation in the field of production technology for certain fish species and development of environmentally friendly fishing gear – fish bait” within the project “Development of underwater lead detector and management software” and “Development of technology for intelligent underwater lead detector with computer system.” | Energofish Kft. | 2022.02.16 |
Process and product quality validation related to the development of the Government Data Repository | NISZ Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt. | 2021.06.30 |
Preparation of studies, digital applications, cadastres, surveys, impact assessment calculations, international comparisons necessary for the formulation of the national data policy and data asset management in the framework of the project KÖFOP-2-1-2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 | Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem | 2019.03.01. |
Provision of centralised application-level services for unified access and interoperability of specialised public administration systems -KÖFOP | ME IH | 2023.03.31 |
Developing a complex monitoring system for waters | Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség (Miniszterelnökség Kutatási és Techn.Inn.Alap) | 2015.12.02 |
Developing a performance-based charging system for public transport on a new generation of NFC-based infrastructure | Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség (Miniszterelnökség Kutatási és Techn.Inn.Alap) | 2015.07.01 |
Development of a unique method for ecotoxicological testing of environmental samples in a fish model system | Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség (Miniszterelnökség Kutatási és Techn.Inn.Alap) | 2015.07.01 |
Electronic Public Administration Framework | Belügyminisztérium | 2015.05.29 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #24 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Mico-Mesh) | 2014.12.31 | (EGI-InSpire) | EU (EGI-InSpire) | 2014.12.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #23 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Enhaced QoE) | 2014.12.30 |
TÜAP quality assurance | KEKKH | 2014.09.30 |
NISZ | NISZ | 2014.09.01 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #22 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (BigData Lab) | 2014.08.31 |
Robotzsaru II. (Robocop) | Belügyminisztérium | 2014.04.30 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #21 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 17) | 2014.03.31 |
Casline | Valor Capital Kockázati Tőkealap Kezelő Zrt. | 2014.03.17 |
Quality assurance of transport logistics tasks | EverIT | 2014.02.15 |
Ensuring development capacity | Systrans | 2013.12.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #20 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 15) | 2013.09.30 |
Robotzsaru rendszer újrafejlesztése (Robocop) | Belügyminisztérium | 2012.12.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #19 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 13) | 2012.12.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #18 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 11) | 2012.06.30 |
Development of a sports law enforcement register | Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség | 2012.06.17 |
WEB2GRID | NKTH (NFÜ) | 2012.01.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #11, #13, #14, #15, #17 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 9) | 2011.12.31 |
SZOMIN08 | NKTH (NFÜ) | 2011.12.31 |
NOKIA SERVERY #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #13 | NOKIA Siement Network Kft. (Servery 5) | 2011.10.31 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #6 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (Phase 7) | 2011.06.30 |
NOKIA SERVERY #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #12 | NOKIA Siement Network Kft. (Servery 4) | 2011.06.30 |
Magyar Nagylexion Zrt. | Magyar Nagylexikon Zrt. | 2011.06.30 |
POLYGON Kft. (POLYGON 3,4) | POLYGON Kft. (4) | 2011.06.15 |
SOART Innovations Kft. – Communicorp Group Ltd | SOART Innovations – Communicorp Group | 2011.05.31 |
NOKIA SERVERY #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #11 | NOKIA Siemens Network Kft. (Servery3) | 2011.01.06 |
NOKIA Cloud Framework Prototyping #5 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (V) | 2010.12.31 |
NOKIA SERVERY #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 | NOKIA Siemens Network Oy (IV) | 2010.12.17 |
Tour Trading – 91 Idegenforgalmi Kft. | Tour Trading – 91 Idegenforgalmi Kft. | 2010.12.17 |
POLYGON Kft. (POLYGON 3,4) | POLYGON Kft. (3) | 2010.11.15 |
NESSI-HUNGARY (OMFB-012219/2008) | NKTH | 2010.10.31 |
Széchenyi István Egyetem | SZE | 2010.10.29 |
Mecenatura | NKTH | 2010.09.22 |
Opten JEngine | Opten Informatikai Kft. | 2010.09.22 |
FiberNet Kommunikációs Zrt. | FiberNet Kommunikációs Zrt. | 2010.09.22 |
NOKIA SERVERY #1, #2, #5 | NOKIA Siemens Network Kft. (Servery3) | 2010.06.30 |
POLYGON Kft. | POLYGON Kft. | 2010.06.30 |
MELASZ Ready 2 bevizsgálások | DSS Consulting Kft. | 2010.04.30 |
Building a Grid for e-Research in Europe (EGEE-I, EGEE-II, EGEE-III) | EU (EGEE-III) | 2010.04.30 |
NOKIA SERVERY #1, #2, #4 | NOKIA Siemens Network Kft. (Servery2) | 2009.12.31 |
NOKIA SERVERY #1, #2, #3 | NOKIA Siemens Network Kft. (Servery1) | 2009.12.31 |
CISSP | ISC2 | 2009.12.31 |
POLYGON Kft. | POLYGON Kft. | 2009.09.17 |
IQSYS Informatikai és Tanácsadó Zrt. | IQSYS Informatikai és Tanácsadó Zrt. | 2009.07.31 |
MELASZ Ready 2 bevizsgálások | Magyar Elektronikus Aláírás Szövetség | 2009.06.30 |
EURO ONE Számítástechnikai Zrt. | EURO ONE Számítástechnikai Zrt. | 2008.12.31 |
Virtual closed networks | NKTH | 2008.12.31 |
IT Security Laboratory | NKTH | 2008.12.31 |
Industrial applications of grid systems | NKTH | 2008.12.30 |
Distributed, extended file systems | NKTH | 2008.12.30 |
E-Goverment System | MEH EKK | 2008.12.22 |
Content, document conversions | NKTH | 2008.10.31 |
Behaviour algorithms | NKTH | 2008.10.31 |
Transport logistics | NKTH | 2008.10.31 |
SPICE | NOKIA Hungary Kft. | 2008.06.30 |
Building a Grid for e-Research in Europe (EGEE-I, EGEE-II, EGEE-III) | EU (EGEE-II) | 2008.04.30 |
Camp6 | GVOP | 2008.02.29 |
Anorexia | NOKIA Hungary Kft. | 2008.02.15 |
Basics of the Hungarian IT GRID resource network (MEGA) | NKFP | 2007.12.31 |
IT system for conference organisation | Conference Tours Kft. | 2007.12.07 |
Real-time image processing | HP Magyarország Kft. | 2007.11.30 |
Rating of firewalls | NKTH | 2007.11.30 |
Logging and log analysis | NKTH | 2007.11.30 |
MELASZ Ready | DSS Kft. | 2007.11.30 |
CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Assistant | SQI Kft. | 2007.11.09 |
Syslog-ng development | NKTH | 2007.10.31 |
Geographical databases | NKTH | 2007.10.31 |
EUROLABS | Európai Bizottság | 2007.10.01 |
On-Board Information System Concept | Volánbusz Zrt. | 2007.08.27 |
MELASZ Ready | NOREG Kft. | 2007.08.23 |
Testing electronic signature products | HunGuard Kft. | 2007.03.31 |
HEFOP-3.3.1-P-2004-09-0093/1.0 | Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium Támogatáskezelő Igazgatósága | 2006.12.31 |
MELASZ DSS | DSS Consulting Kft. | 2006.12.04 |
RECON resource management, evaluation | NOKIA Hungary Kft. | 2006.12.01 |
ENUM further development of the model system | Magyar Telekom PKI | 2006.10.31 |
Functional requirements of local government IT systems, application of modern service-oriented architectures | IHM/Solidgraph Kft. | 2006.10.19 |
ENUM Implementation of process-based services | GVOP | 2006.06.30 |
Laying the foundations of the Grid for e-Research in Europe (EGEE-I, EGEE-II, EGEE-III) | EU (EGEE-I) | 2006.03.31 |
PROHARDVER | GVOP | 2005.09.15 |
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